Sunday, January 30, 2011

A nick on my cell phone case...

I was very sad to find this mark on my cell phone case. It came from falling off my lap when I was getting out of my friends car...

Class response/discussion

I really enjoyed class this week, The things that were discussed in class has actually helped me think differently when it comes to different topics. One rule that I couldn't stand when I was like 16 was the curfew rule. I had to be in the house by 11:00pm and most of my friends were 18 so they could stay out as late as they wanted to unless their parents said so. It made me just wish that I was 18 at the time like them, but I still had two years to wait at the time. I think there was a chance I could have got in trouble with the law if I was out pass the curfew time for teens under 18. So I would never really chance it unless I was with family or in my neighborhood near home...

Monday, January 24, 2011


Me and my egg spent some time playing x box live lol. The egg was actually quite good at being a decoy to the enemy in the game...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

First Class...

I enjoyed the first day of class, I really liked how we all had to introduce our selves in the dark. I thought that exercise was cool because it helped us to get to know a little about each person with out really basing that first judgement by seeing them first. I hope to learn more about blogging as the class progresses and I also look forward to learning more about everyone as the class goes on.